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Rod Wars Page 3
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Page 3
"I wouldn't know. I'm not an Oddity, I didn't fall into this world; I was born into it."
"Oddity? What is—?"
"Oh, that. It's just a term referring to those who fall from the cliff. You guys are a rare bunch, seeing as only fifty or so have come through in the last century."
The Dark Realm...the cliff? Did Wilson mean the haze?
"So I make fifty-one?"
"You do indeed. Congrats, kid."
"The name's Alex."
"I think we established that. But it’s creative that your parents went for the generic."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
"You can take it any way you like."
"Insult it is,” Alex said dryly. "So where am I?"
Another world? Or was this the definition of the afterlife? He was afraid to say the rest, afraid of the potential answers. But this was probably all a dream and he was getting worried for nothing. He'd probably already blown this out of proportion. This world, being born into it rather than falling...his mind had really come up with something special this time. Or had it? Falling off the cliff should have woken him up right? What if he was stuck in a coma?
"Oh, you're in Miron," Wilson said, blue eyes sparkling. "It's a major province in the best country in the world, Kaiga."
"Kaiga?!" Had he fallen into an alternate dimension?
"Yeah...You know it? Despite being an Oddity?"
"No. I lived in California."
"Oh...never heard of it. Well, let me ask you a question, Alex. What did you see before you fell off the cliff? Was there anything over there? Describe how you felt, what you sensed, what you thought, explain..." He pulled out a notepad, "Explain in detail."
Alex didn't answer right away.
How much should I tell the guy? he wondered. The thought didn't stem from suspicion, but rather anxiety. There was no way to tell whether the norms of this society were the same or differed from his former. Alex feared Wilson's reaction; what if he said something wrong? No, that wasn't it. What proof did he have that telling this guy wouldn't land him in a crazy house? Or worse, a government facility. What did Wilson want with this information? Moreover....who was Wilson?
Looking up from his notepad, pen poised, and paper ready, Wilson raised his eyebrows questioningly. The curious fire in his eyes was slowly dying, sputtering on the fringes of disappointment. Despite his growing concern for Alex's extensive pause, the man said nothing.
In the end, for better or worse, Alex decided to spill the beans. Thoroughly he explained his experiences, from the inorganic eating sand, to the glass-like haze, and finally the Jell-O like water below the cliff. Watching Wilson jot down the last bit of notes, Alex got the impression that the man had heard a similar story before. Between the story and Wilson's reoccurring interjecting questions, nearly an hour had passed. Now holding a cup of coffee in one hand, Alex decided to ask a question of his own.
"Hey Wilson, what happened to the other Oddities?"
"In regards to what? Their lives after passing through the haze?" the man said in-between sips.
Alex nodded.
"As far as I've heard they assimilated quickly. A few found jobs as builders and puzzlers while the majority attended college or opted to travel. The handful that came through the Dark Realm as children were implemented into good families and schools, or so the records say." Wilson took another sip before lowering the drink to the table. "Counting you, I've only actually met three in the last ten years."
"None of them ever found or tried to find a way back?" Perhaps there was a chance....
"Nope, not that I know or have heard of, and why would they want to? Kaiga is the greatest nation in the world."
Well wasn't he patriotic.
"Oh..." Eyes drawn to his drink, Alex stared into the depths of the murky liquid. So he was doomed to be trapped here for the rest of his life? His grip around the cup tightened. This was bullshit.
"Not to mention the majority of the Oddities have painted the places they came from to be torn by war, ravaged by disease, poverty, and fraught with starvation."
"It's true. One man that I spoke to by the name of Trevor told me that he was transported here after he was mixed up in…gang violence? I don't remember where...it was in a country I'd never heard of. Josica? Jolusia? Something like that, I'm sure. Another, a girl of twelve claimed she was transported over while plagued with a disease called, er…I don't know, though I'm sure it was terminal. The other Oddity I met by chance—"
"Well, I have to go back."
"The States...my country isn't war torn, let alone starving."
"Whatever." Wilson leaned back with his coffee, taking on a serious expression that drew and commanded one's attention. "Give it up kid."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Give it up. Let it go, you’re here now. No one can breech the Dark Realm. You Oddities may be able to pass through it from one side but once you're here, you stay here. We've done more than enough tests to prove that."
"What? No." Alex shook his head, eyes reflecting his denial. "You're messing with me, right?"
Wilson leaned forward. "Listen Alex—"
"I came here right? That means I can go back...there's always a way back." He licked his lips. "There—there has to be a sort of time warp. Something, a...transcendence through space, jump through time, a tear, a hole in reality's webbing." He stood abruptly. "There has to be something. There always is. You people just haven't looked at the problem in the right way."
"It's always the people fixing a problem who are the most blind. You just haven't seen The Dark Realm from another angle, a-another point of view."
"Listen, I like your enthusiasm, kid, and respect your determination but there isn't a way back. Besides I bet you'll come to find that this world is far more interesting than the one you popped out of."
Alex stood slamming his hands down on the desk. "Fix it!" Disbelief was an understatement; he was in full blown denial.
Three bodyguards outside the office glanced through the office's glass door in unison, their hands hovering over the guns strapped at their belts. The door opened and one bodyguard was already halfway through when Wilson, exchanging a discreet glance with his men, gave a slight shake of the head.
"It's just like it is in the movies." Neither Alex’s erratic tone nor his gaze budged. "All you've got to do is do a little sciency stuff and fix it."
Though the guards removed their hands from their firearms, regardless, the door closed behind as two of the men entered the room, stationing themselves at the back wall.
Alex, so caught up in his dilemma acknowledged only Wilson's wavering attention. There was neither thought nor hesitation as the green eyed fool reached across the table and grabbed Wilson by the collar. "I'm still talking—"
Two guns clicked off their safety as the guards in the room leveled them at Alex.
"Hands up,” one of the men ordered. Alex, releasing Wilson, recoiled like the man was toxic.
"Put those away gentlemen, the boy's cleared,” Wilson ordered calmly and pushing back his chair, he stood, leaving his coffee on the table. Rounding the desk, he put his arm around Alex, "Come on kid...let's take a walk."
Chapter 4
Aizer Academy
Glad that's over, Melissa thought as she left the principal’s office.
“Miss, if we don’t hurry you’ll be late—” Kevin began as the bell rang.
“Well, looks like I’m late, again,” the blonde said as she walked out of the building.
“Do you want me to send someone back to get you a pass from Mr. Leptin?” the guard asked after he caught up.
“Where was that advice when I was walking out of his office?” she snapped at him, her irritation growing as she appraised the empty courtyard.
“Keeping track of your time is not part of my duties.”
“Then add it to the list. It’s not like you hav
e anything better to do.”
“Miss, I am here to guard you and keep you safe from harm, not to be your assistant—”
Stopping suddenly, she looked him. “Safe from harm? You don’t do anything else but follow me around!”
“You guards are like gum on my shoe; I can’t get rid of you!” she cried and stepping off the path, she ran.
“Melissa, wait! You’re not allowed to walk ahead of me!”
“Like I care!” she yelled over her shoulder as she sprinted for the doors.
“Don’t open those doors, there could be a bomb!”
“Oh fuck you,” she spat as she swung it open. “I’m not a toddler.”
Ugh, she thought as she jogged into the hall. First period’s already started. I’m going to get twice the stares when I walk in, and knowing Mrs. Bethum she’s just gotta say something.
“Melissa!” Kevin called as he started through the door. “Melissa!”
Startled she jumped and lifting a foot, she frantically began to pull off her wedges.
“I can’t run in these…” She muttered, taking off the other shoe. Scurrying down one hall, she was about to turn down another when a hand grabbed her arm. Screaming, she threw her shoes at the guard. Stepping aside, Kevin dodged them without loosening his grip, pulled Melissa in and clamped a hand over her mouth. Struggling in his grasp, she bit his hand and wincing, he removed it.
“Let me go, damn you!” she cried, throwing a punch at the arm holding her. When he caught it, she tried to stomp on a foot.
“Stop it,” he said shaking her. “Stop it already. You’re just making it harder on yourself. You’re just giving me more to report. Do you want to be locked up in a facility again because you couldn’t control yourself?!”
“Control? I just want to be alone already but you guards won’t stop following me around!”
“Melissa,” he said evenly. “If you don’t calm yourself, you’ll never go unguarded.”
“Then let me go already.”
Opening his hands, he released her.
“Listen, the government has high hopes for you. Your existence is what keeps the Victashia from crossing our borders. If you can’t behave, then you could just as easily become a figurehead and spend the rest of your life reading scripts and showing up on the battlefield to rally morale. If you keep doing stupid things, you’ll just end up hurting your own future. The government can end your education at any time. You are here because you said you wanted to help the soldiers on the front lines but if you can’t follow the rules…”
I want a life. Melissa thought, tuning him out. Why can’t I just be normal? Why do I have to be an eleven? Why me? I didn’t ask for this. Why the hell did I have to be born from a test tube?!
“Whatever, let’s just go, you’re making me later.”
“Melissa do you understand?”
“Yeah, yeah—”
“If you can’t cooperate then certain liberties might be revoked.”
“What liberties?!” Melissa shouted at him incredulously. “I don’t have any!”
“You do know that attending class with other students is a privilege, right?”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a fact,” he said and patted her shoulder. “I know it’s hard but I hope for your sake that you’ll keep it in mind.”
What is freedom? Melissa wondered as she walked into the classroom.
“Well it looks like she's late again,” Mrs. Bethum said giving her a look as she entered the classroom. “We’re so glad to have you finally join us Miss Bellheart. So many minutes passed after the bell that the class and I were beginning to think you’d skipped.”
“How am I supposed to skip when I’m being followed around all day?!” Melissa snapped, glancing back at Kevin who’d followed her in.
“Now—now look here…” Mrs. Bethum began as Melissa passed her by.
“No thanks, I’m not in the mood.” The blonde threw the words over her shoulder as she stalked down her row. A row over, Sierra spared her a glance and Daniel waved, while Katelyn staring out a window with an earphone hanging out of an ear, made no attempt to turn.
Stunned, Mrs. Bethum looked at Kevin.
“Principal Leptin forgot to hand her a pass,” he told her quickly before trailing his charge.
“Well uh, just find a seat Melissa. It’s the last day of school so I'm really not in the mood to care,” the teacher said, turning back to the board’s touch screen.
“Can't we just leave already?” one of the students mumbled.
“No, you’ll suffer through this period along with everybody else, including me,” Mrs. Bethum said. “Hopefully you’ll learn something in the process.”
Taking the seat behind Katelyn, Melissa put hand to chin, and stared out the window.
Mrs. Bethum tapped a finger to the board for the next slide. “Now, as you know titus is an energy that be used for a wide variety of things if only the user has a large enough capability to freely manipulate it. Most people however are limited…”
“See you at Corpus Academy,” Sierra said, waving to Melissa as she left the school’s gates. “Try to have a good summer.”
“Yeah, you too,” Melissa replied, watching her friend hop off the roundabout driveway of the school’s large parking lot and get into a car. Folding her arms, she turned and began to search the passing crowd.
“Melissa,” Kevin said, tapping her on the shoulder, as he pulled out a note. “One of your friends told me to give you this.”
Opening the paper, she skimmed its contents and crumpled it.
Have a nice summer? Looking forward to seeing you at Corpus? Really Daniel? Melissa thought, fuming as she tossed the paper aside. Katelyn must’ve shoved him in a car or something.
“There’s no one else to wait for,” she told Kevin tersely, and turning from him she began to walk. “We can go.” Looks like it’s back to the dorm, she thought with an inward sigh.
Looks like it is, her ego responded.
You’re annoying. Don’t pop in whenever you feel like it.
Then when am I supposed to appear? We share one mind.
No, you share mine.
Phrase it however you like, it doesn’t change anything. So? What do you plan to do this summer? Sit in your dorm or get holed up in there?
Neither, Melissa thought, smoothing a strand of hair behind an ear. I’m thinking about going on a field trip.
To where?
Somewhere that’s not here.
What’s your head full of? Air? her ego snapped. You had the entire year to think about this. Hurry up and decide before you give the government a reason to send more guards and lock you down. I don’t want this to be a repeat of last summer.
It’s not my fault I got caught in the city.
Yes, it was!
You’re the one who told me to be a righteous goddess.
But I never told you to be a vigilante!
Well, whatever, Melissa said, scouring the courtyard. I’ll go find Leptin.
“Leptin!” Melissa yelled, waving a hand as she caught him at the doors of a building.
Who the hell's yelling my name? he thought turning around. Shouldn't all the kids be on the buses by now?
“Great timing,” Melissa said running up to him.
“Huh? Oh, Melissa?” he said recognizing her.
Figures, he thought, she's the only one who wouldn't be on a bus because she can't.
“I want to ask you something,” she said, peering up at him. “Can I take a field trip to Corpus Academy?”
Lame… She heard her ego say.
“Hmm, well I don't see why not,” Leptin said. “When do you want to go?”
“How about today?”
“That's kind of a short notice, but I'll see what I can do,” he said. “Make sure to pack some clothes, it’s a long ride there and I’m guessing you also want to stay awhile.”
br /> “So I’m going, right?”
“I already gave you my permission didn’t I? Oh, but I need to call a few people to set up a convoy. We can't take any risks.”
“Risks? What risks? I'm a level eleven. What do you people think you’re protecting me from? The public?”
“Don’t be arrogant. A well-trained level nine or ten could kill you easily. You haven't reached your potential yet.”
“And what potential is that? The scientists can’t judge it. You can’t judge it, you’re all just speculating.”
“It’s said that Jamieh didn’t reach her peak until she was thirty.”
“Don’t compare me to her,” Melissa snapped. “I’m not her. An eleven’s power has no limits.”
“Everyone has limits, Melissa. But anyway, we have to watch out for Victashia. They definitely have more than a couple hundred level ten’s in their arsenal. You’re the first eleven to appear in seventeen years. Do you really think you’re not a target for them?”
“I never asked for this.”
“Regardless,” Mr. Leptin said after a moment. “We saw their military might during the last rod war before we signed the treaty and ever since Jamieh died, they keep crossing our borders.”
“Still?” Melissa asked. “Even though I’m here? I thought my presence—”
“They haven’t encountered you yet on the battlefield so they’re staying bold. Though they’ve become more cautious in recent years, which is probably because you’re growing older.”
“So they want me dead?”
“They fear you, because you could take back the rods we were forced to forfeit when we signed that worthless treaty.”
“Yay, I’m linked to history,” Melissa said dryly. “Can’t you see how excited I am to see my name in a textbook in the future? And by it in bold letters I’ll see Kaiga’s Eleven and be reminded of how the world views me as a national tool. I’ll just be a weapon that popped out of a uniquely creepy science experiment.”
“Melissa, listen to me,” Leptin said, putting a hand on her shoulder as he looked into her eyes. “You may have been born in a lab, but you’re no less human. Yes, in the future, you’ll play a vital role in our country’s national security but for it you’ll be hailed as a hero. Your friends and the people of Kaiga alike will regale you as the savior of this country. Your name will be in textbooks not because you followed the government’s orders but because you are the one single person who has the best chance to restore Kaiga to its former glory. I can't say that I understand the loneliness that comes with being the only eleven, but if you live each day with that in mind, I know you’ll be successful.”